John Jay Youth Soccer Camps

Summer 2016

Ages: 8 - 10 yrs. old

 Follow @CoachSeipp for the latest schedule updates and John Jay Soccer news


Monday August 29th thru Wednesday August 31st at the John Jay High School Soccer Field from 6 - 7:30pm.  The cost is $50 (please make the check out to John Jay Soccer Boosters)

Camp Philosophy:  This camp stresses individual skills by teaming up a young camper with a High School Soccer Player to help ensure the camper learns the correct techniques and skills of the game.  The camp is directed by the John Jay Boys Varsity and JV Soccer Coaches.  The High School Coaches provide examples of how to properly perform the skills and techniques, and the high school players reinforce them with the young campers. 

Camp Structure:  For the first hour of the camp, players work on individual skills and techniques that will help them become a better player.  The last half hour the players will be allowed to scrimmage to practice their skills in a game setting.

Click here to fill out a registration form and sign up!

Thank you for supporting the John Jay Soccer Programs!

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